How To Increase Traffic On Your WordPress Blog

Stats prove that WordPress is one of the most loved Content Management System (CMS) and is probably the best one for the bloggers.
However, even the most presentable content sometimes fails to gather an audience. Do you know why? Well, there are a number of reasons to it and ‘waiting for the traffic’ is the most common one.
Are you too waiting for the online traffic to reach you by itself? Mind you! Success may come to those who wait, but online traffic comes to the websites who work for it.
And here we have brought for you some very reliable and efficient ways to drive lots of online traffic to your WordPress website in minimal efforts.
- First Of All- Make It Discoverable For The Search Engines:
If at all your readers and visitors can discover you, it’s through the search engines. And if you wish for the search engines to display your content, you must adhere to their guidelines which include the following:
- You need to make proper use of the Heading Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4 etc.)
- The title and the meta description should contain the relevant keywords and should be of appropriate length
- The images etc. on the page should be optimized and image ALT Text should be named very carefully
- The URL structure ought to be SEO-friendly
- The anchor text (the text with the link) should be appropriate according to the information you consider providing or the keywords you target
- Make Intelligent Use Of The Keywords:
Keywords are often the backbones for almost any kind of content, product or service, and you could call them as traffic-drivers without any exaggeration.
No wonder, while an intelligent use of keywords can bring lots of online traffic, using them negligently might kill your content creation efforts too.
So to ensure that your webpage gets enough online traffic, make sure to perform the following:
- Do slight keyword research and form your content around the most searched keywords
- Your keywords should find a place in your meta title and description.
- Similarly, the keywords ought to be present in H1 tag and the main content body for the required number of times.
- Keep track of the keyword density and avoid keyword stuffing. Google hates such stuff.
- Indulge In Social Sharing:
‘Sharing is caring’- you know this well and when you share good stuff with your links on the social media platforms, you reap rewards of good online traffic.
Social media websites take your content and links for free and offer a great amount of web traffic in the least of efforts.
Make sure to follow up your posts with sharing these on the most prominent social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and even on YouTube (you know what YouTube exactly takes).
Besides, do not forget adding social media plugins on every page for a one-click-sharing by the visitors.
- Make Sure Your Website Loads Quickly:
The loading speed of your website could be one of the factors which affect the presence of web traffic. If certain clicked page loads too slowly, don’t you get agitated and feel like leaving the same?
That’s what all the other website visitors feel.
And to make sure your website loads quickly, you need to perform the following tasks:
- Ensure to get only the most responsive website theme and design it accordingly.
- All the website images should be optimized to prevent loading failures
- The videos etc. should be placed effectively, and should start only with the user’s permission.
- Avoid any unwanted pop-ups which disturb the users and their experience
- Never allow any unwanted ads on the page which interfere with its speed,
- Ensure Linking It Internally:
You know exactly what internal linking means, right? Well, it’s a no-brainer.
But do you know the reason to link your website internally? Again, most of the people know it as a step which keeps the visitor engaged on a particular site by providing links to the other pages on the same site.
This decreases the bounce rate and enhances the website’s authority.
And the last question in this is- Do you provide enough internal links to help your website? If you don’t, stop thinking and act fast to get good results.
- Add Enough Pictures & Videos:
Again, do you like web pages which pile text on text without offering any relevant image, graph, chart, or videos etc. to keep your interest alive?
It’s exactly the same for your WordPress website visitors.
No wonder text is what provides information to the visitors, you also need to provide proper images and videos etc. which complement the textual matter and keep the visitors’ attention gripped on the page.
In fact, readers would love to share any such great content.
- Breadcrumb Navigation:
Breadcrumb navigation has two major benefits:
- It increases the site’s usability by offering a clear idea of the page where the visitors are present
- They add a great dimension to the appearance of your website in the SERPs.
- Use SEO Tools:
Lots of free SEO tools such as Google Analytics, Yoast SEO, Grammarly, Google Keyword Planner, and Screaming Frog etc. are available to help the WordPress users analyze their websites and increase their SERP visibility.
You can always use these to help your website get better results and web traffic.
- Use Question & Answer Websites:
If your created content answers questions to some unsolved queries, why not take it to the place where people like to ask questions?
For instance, websites such as Quora, Fixya,, and Yahoo! answers are no less than gold to solve queries of people by bringing them on your website through links and redirects.
- Post Regularly and Be Patient:
Rome was not built in a day and neither would you get overnight popularity (exceptions aside). You need to work regularly, post content, do your bit of sharing and wait to get good results after it.
So you see- getting good website traffic is an absolute no-brainer and it just needs a bit of effort. Make sure you act your bit and ensure regularity to drive website visitors which would automatically return back for another great content.
After all, all people need is great webpages which not only solve their queries but keep their interest alive while they do so.